How Are We Doing?

Our main aim at The Next Step Trust is to meet the needs of the individuals that use our service.

We strive to be transparent in our provision and offer Next Steppers, their parents and other interested individuals the opportunity to give unbiased feedback on a regular basis. This could either be through annual reviews or feedback forms. We strive to be an outcome-based service and hope to attain the goals of the individuals and recognise their achievements.

We sent feedback forms to parents/carers in 2021, we received responses from 14/45 Next Steppers. The feedback is summarised below:


Are our staff welcoming, helpful and professional?

All said yes. 



Can we improve upon our communication methods?

One suggestion was for more detailed diary entries and for a weekly timetable to be sent home.



Do you feel supported by The Next step Trust in terms of change in circumstances and/ or your needs?

The majority said yes and the zoom sessions through COVID were great though not consistent. 




Have you visited our website recently? Have you any suggestions for this?

3 had visited recently with feedback that it’s very engaging, the photos are impactful and there is a lot of information in well set out pages.



Are you happy with the activities you currently partake in?

100% said yes and look forward to returning to more activities once restrictions are removed. Also how the Next Stepper is included in things that parents might not have considered suitable for her e.g. boxing.



Which activity do you enjoy the most?

Swimming, boxing, baking, bowling, cycling, computer, walking, sailing, cooking, just settling back in after COVID so it’s trial and error at the moment, gym, going for a coffee and outdoor activities.



Do you feel as though you have enough choice of activity?

Suggestions of trying horse riding, interacting with animals and generally looking forward to getting back out into the community. 


Are our sites clean and tidy?

The majority said yes the outside was though they weren’t able to enter the building throughout COVID so couldn’t comment on inside.


In terms of accessibility, do our sites meet your needs?

100% said yes though a lot hadn’t seen the new building (Hoover) as this was opened in lockdown.


Have you found Next Step to be supportive during the COVID19 pandemic?

100% said yes and one was pleased with the efforts made throughout their transition period to stay in touch despite restrictions.



Are you happy with the food provided (where applicable)?

100% said yes



Does the food we provide meet your nutritional needs?

100% said yes



Does the service meet all the needs of the individual?

The majority said yes, mostly & will discuss further in their review.



Have you any suggestions for improvements to the service?

Provide a reward/certificate for Next Steppers when they’re learnt a new skill or finished a course. This will help them recognize achievements and provide closure to that activity – it serves as a reminder of what’s been accomplished.

More outdoor activities.

Spread the activities across the week rather than similar activities close together.


General compliments and concerns:

Thanks to all the staff who have done a great job over the pandemic. Without your help our son would not have been happy.

We are delighted with the start to our daughters time with you. Transition went really well with visits to school and home to get to know her. Staff communicated well with us throughout the process. The team who work with her are all lovely and we feel very comfortable with them and have no hesitation entrusting them with our precious daughter. They all seem very focused on giving her a great day and she always has a huge smile when we pick her up.

Hello to all, Next Stepper has been supported throughout COVID by next step staff and we are extremely grateful to them all. Next Stepper is happy and resettled back into his routines. Keep up the good work. Some more outdoor activities would enrich his days even more.

Nothing major just a big Thankyou for everything you are doing regarding the current situation. Would just like to see all the trips to start back up.


We sent feedback forms to parents/carers in September 2018: The feedback issummarised below:

We received 20 forms back from a possible 46.



1. Are our staff welcoming, helpful and professional?

100% said yes.



2. Can we improve upon our communication methods?

One suggestion for more open communication and another requested regular emails regarding an individuals progress.



3. Do you feel supported by The Next step Trust in terms of change in circumstances and/ or your needs?

100% said yes.



4. Parents/ Carers/ Guardians – Do you feel supported by the Next step Trust?

100% said yes.



5. Have you visited our website recently?

15 out of 20 said no.



6. Are you happy with the activities you currently partake in?

100% said yes.



7.  Which activity do you enjoy the most?

The majority of people said hydro/ swimming. Others listed library, Zumba, rebound, bikes, gym, fitness, sensory room, nails, photocopying, sailing, barge, bowling, holistic therapy, work placements, computers, games, holidays, train trips, walks, climbing and dancing.



8. Do you feel as though you have enough choice of activity?

3 people suggested we introduce horse riding.



9. Have your activities been reviewed recently?

Most said yes and 2 didn’t know.



10. Are our sites clean and tidy?

100% said yes

In terms of accessibility, do our sites meet your needs?

100% said yes



11. Are you updated on our site upgrades/ expansion?

About half said no. Someone suggested email updates.



12. Are you happy with the food provided?

100% said yes



13. Does the food we provide meet your nutritional needs?

100% said yes



Feedback Regarding Respite:



Have you been given information regarding our Respite provision?

100% said yes


Those who have used the respite service provided this feedback:
  • Happy/ relaxed, a nice house and outside area
  • Enjoyed seeing friends and going out for tea
  • Liked local walks
  • Nice bedrooms
  • Not a great location ie. Parking and access


Do you feel your stay is tailored to your likes and needs?

100% said yes



General compliments and concerns:



  • Friendly staff
  • Leads supportive and take on board concerns/ queries
  • More encouragement to do different tasks and try reduce portion sizes at lunchtime.
  • Difficulties adjusting to new staff.
  • Good teamwork.
  • Some clothes have gone missing.
  • Thank you – makes life easier
  • Staff are friendly and caring, interact well and are professional
  • Happy with the service/ meets individuals needs/ friendly and caring staff
  • Suggestions to send emails with any updates on developments
  • Caring and friendly staff
  • Individuals enjoy the company of carers
  • Warm and welcoming staff – good having a mix of ages so individuals can spend time with their age group.
  • Staff considerate of needs and good liaison.