Thank you

Posted on Jun 6, 2020

We would like to extend a huge heartfelt thank you to all of the people that have helped us during the COVID-19 pandemic. Firstly, a huge thank you to our staff that have continued to provide the essential support that our Next Steppers have required. Thank you to Ilona Evans for donating a sofa for our Respite Facility. We also appreciate the time and talent of Annette, Jane and Jesmond who have kindly hand stitched us some vibrant face masks for our Staff. Further thanks to the Leo Group (facilitated by CFFC) who kindly donated Surgical masks and to Oliver Gerrard for his donation of visors. A special thank you to our lifelong friend Jill Mitchell, who has kindly taken the time to stitch us some colourful face masks for our staff. The pandemic isn’t over and we really appreciate all of the help we have received and continue to receive. Thank you all for thinking of us.