Please see current vacancies, job descriptions and person specifications below.

Please note that we require our application form to be completed in full, if you need this posting please get in touch on 01422 330938.

Respite Support Workers

Bank Support Workers

Bank Cleaner


Bank Catering Assistant

Bank Pool Attendant/Maintenance Person

Application Form

The Job Application Form is the same for all positions, please find this below.


Hear from our team…


“As an apprentice I got welcomed with open arms and helped through my learning. All the staff encouraged me to try everything, as they still do now, it has really boosted my confidence in every way possible. From the start I have been encouraged to make the best decisions and think on my own and all the staff are to thank for this.”


“My name is Chantelle, I first started at Next Step in 2018. I started out Part Time at the Day Service and Respite leading onto doing Full Time at the Day Service. I have just recently taken on the role of Lead Brief and Medication Lead, both of which have expanded my knowledge and skills in managing staff and using my initiative to create new formats. I enjoy working at Next Step as every day is different and there are always new challenges to overcome. I am grateful that I have had the opportunity to develop within my roles and gain new skills.”


“I started my business administration apprenticeship in November 2021. Since then I have gained confidence and an abundance of new skills and abilities. I have really enjoyed how Next Step have allowed me to work independently and given me the freedom to show my capabilities whilst still giving me the support I need. I have now completed my apprenticeship and I am looking forward to continue being part of the team and developing in my career.”


“I’ve been lucky enough to work at Next Step since July 2021 & I am so thankful to have found such a wonderful place, full of amazingly inspirational people that put a smile on my face everyday. Such a great, supportive staff team, absolutely love being part of it all”